Regular readers of Pine Island News may have noticed the new look.
Pine Island News began officially began distributing around Pine Island and Matlacha in 1969. We began a website in 1998 before nearly all the newspapers had a website. To many of us old timers, we were suspicious of another technical "cold fusion." The web standards were just in their infancy and some things worked and some didn't. However, there was always a required compromise between functionality, readability, and aesthetic appeal.
Still, where hard copy, printed material is concerned, readability, aesthetic appeal (design and layout) is still a preeminent goal. Since the advent of the mobile device these take a back seat to search and functionality.
There is a lot of "work" (as compared to bricklaying) required in completing these upgrades. Software tries to anticipate future technology which is about 50% successful. The new PIN look is still a compromise. It's still not the latest, greatest upgrade and there are some slight glitches we will be addressing. However, in this world where Google is god . . .we must obey.
We thank you for your views and hope that you can tell the sometimes complicated difference ( . . . another lost art,) between irony, satire, and real news.