End Matlacha Bottleneck Now

Now is the time to begin engineering extra lanes and/or expedited traffic through Matlacha to end the endless hours of backed-up traffic which endangers Pine Islanders lives and wastes thousands of hours of valuable important appointments, reduce actual fire and rescue costs, (five stations for 12,000 Pine Island residents) contractors increased costs, and burns valuable time and energy.

Lee County DCD Opens Remote Office at Library

The Lee County Department of Community Development will open a weekly remote permit office at the Pine Island Public Library, 10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia, to allow residents to obtain permits for repairs to existing buildings damaged by Hurricane Ian.

The remote permit office will be open weekly from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each Wednesday starting Jan. 4 through Jan. 18.

Pine Islander's Find Their U.S. $ worth 30% Less

Pine Islander's received a shock when Lee County Electric Co-op sent out electricity bills reflecting, on average a 30% increase, seemingly overnight. Of course, a huge shock and burden on those with fixed incomes, but an equally unpleasant surprise for the 60% Pine Islanders who didn't vote for this. Two hundred dollar bills became $300, $300 became $450, etc.

Lee Co Commissioners Proclaims 4- 5-22, ''GPICA Day."


Whereas, Greater Pine Island includes Pine Island - the largest island on Florida's west coast – and the islands of Little Pine Island and Matlacha, in Lee County. Pine Island has been settled continuously dating back to the Calusa Indians who created one of their most important settlements here, and;

Up to Two Hour Wait to Get Through Matlacha

Most days during Florida's season, traffic is backed up all the way to Pine Center to the west and to Burnt Store Rd. even down Veteran's Pkwy to the east, Monday through Friday from about 10am to 4pm. The average wait was 45 minutes to as much as over an hour for cars to get through Matlacha both in east or west directions. 


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