Scheduled Outage and Boiled Water Notice for Bokeelia 11-8-21

Greater Pine Island Water Assoc. is reporting a scheduled water outage and boining water notice for some areas of Bokeelia for 11-8-21.

A water outage is scheduled for Monday, November 8, 2021, at 10:00 pm for all residences north of the Winn Dixie Shopping Plaza with the exception of the following streets: Henley, Thomas, Ave E, Ridgewood, Tipton, Ave C, Birdsong, Betsy Pkwy, Ave D, Peatre & Phillips. Customer's East of the Water Department Office on Pine Island Rd will not be affected. This outage will affect Bokeelia and a portion of Pine Island Center Only.

Water Outage North Pine Island 9-27-21

There was a low pressure/no pressure outage in the Bokeelia/Pineland area beginning at around 11am. The line was repaired by 8pm. Reports were that the outage extended from Winn Dixie north as the result of a line breakage. There is also a two-day Boil Water advisory.  . . . more information as it becomes available.

4th of July, 2021 Parade After One Year Covid Hiatus

The Annual Pine Island 4th of July, 2021, Parade and events, (actually held on July 3rd) --- began as in previous years at 10 AM, at Winn Dixie shopping plaza and traveled north on Stringfellow Road to the 4-way intersection, and then left on Pine Island Road to the Elks Lodge at Pine Island Center.

Pine Is. Center Flooded 7-7-21

Pine Island Center is flooded due to constant rain since yesterday and probably impassable without a vehicle with elevated cab.

Hurricane Elsa passed offshore overnight and is reported to have had wind gusts in the area of up to 50mph. Bokeelia and St. James have also reported areas of substantial flooding.

4th of July Parade to be Held on July 3rd

Now that Covid 19 virus finally isn't the scare of the century, American Legion Post 136 announces that Pine Island's almost perennial 4th of July Parade will to be held on July 3rd, 2021. Parade participants can start to assemble in the Winn Dixie parking lot around 8:30am to get lined up in the right order and be ready to go by 10am sharp.

The Parade will end at the Elks Lodge at Pine Island Center, as in the past, where floats will be judged and trophies will be handed out. There will be hot dogs for the kids free adults with be charged.

Lee County CO-OP Power Outage Scheduled 6-16-21

Lee County CO-OP has alerted Pine Island - Matlacha residents by phone that it has scheduled an area power outage for around 10 pm, Tuesday, 6-16-21 and may take as long as 1/2 hour. This is to perform storm hardening maintenance and although it may only take 5-10 minutes they want customers to be prepared. Turn off computers to be safe and cool down.

Lee County CO-OP Power Outage Scheduled 4-27-21

Lee County CO-OP has alerted Pine Island - Matlacha residents by phone that it has scheduled an area power outage for around 10 pm, Tuesday, 4-27-21 and may take as long as 1/2 hour. This is to perform storm hardening maintenance and although it may only take 5-10 minutes they want customers to be prepared. Turn off computers to be safe and cool down.

Pine Island Chamber of Commerce Building Sold

In a release Monday, Dec., 28, 2020, the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors consisting of: Larry Solinger, President; Debbie Memoli, Vice President; Mel Brinson, Past President; Beth Sowers, Secretary/Treasurer; and Directors; Cynthia Welch, Nancy R Koucky, Jennipher Johnson, Todd Combs, Dotty Manning announced the new business plan which included selling the newly constructed building and the property on which it occupies.

Scanner Rejects Second Page of Ballot at Precinct 21

Presidential election, Nov., 3, 2020: Early reports are that the second page of the ballots where most of the amendments are located are being rejected by the ballot scanner at Precinct 21 at the Catholic church in Bokeelia. The first page of the ballot scanned without a problem. Without some other intervention it is expected that these ballots will require hand tabulation by poll workers and this hand tabulation is expected to go well into the evening. Voting as of early morning required about a 45 minute wait.

GPIWA Announces Water Outage

Greater Pine Island Water Assoc. announces a water outage starting at 9pm, Oct., 2, 2020, and scheduled to be completed at midnight. The notice is primarily for most of, if not all of northern Pine Island, the Bokeelia area, but it is expected that some of northern St. James might also be affected. Some customers may notice just lower water pressure. A boiled water notice accompanies the outage.


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