Semi Truck Disrupts Power in Bokeelia

On 11-26-18, at approx. 2 pm, and at end of Barrancus Ave. off Stringfellow Rd. in Bokeelia, a semi-tractor-trailer caused a power line to break and fall while attempting to turn into the Mango Factory driveway disrupting power to residents nearby. Lee County Co-op restored power within an hour. Pine-Island/Matlacha Fire Dept. and the Lee County Sheriffs Dept. were on site to keep the public away from the temporarily live wire.

No Decision at Oct. LCMCD Meeting

There was no in-depth discussion by the Lee County Mosquito & Hyacinth Control Districts board members about the Woodstock Airport purchase at the October meeting, other than the District’s attorneys are investigating the questions brought forward to the board about easements on the property. The next scheduled board meeting is Thursday, November 15th at 10 a.m.

GPICA Still Disputes Woodstock Airport


Recently a memo was distributed to members of the Greater Pine Island Civic Association that provided misleading and, in some cases, blatantly false statements and accusations against the Lee County Mosquito Control District (LCMCD). The following are direct responses from LCMCD to these accusations.

3 Vehicle Accident Near Stringfellow & Lolly

At approximately 4:30pm, 8-24-18, there was a three vehicle involved accident. Impact occurred near Stringfellow & Lolly roads. Original report of a rollover turned out to be incorrect. The ambulance transported at least one person to the Cape Coral Hospital. A white Nissan destroyed its front end after impacting a Dodge 4x4 and a pickup truck.

Pine Island 4th of July Parade 2018

The Pine Island Fourth of July parade 2018 started with residents lining Stringfellow Road with chairs and blankets. The kids were lining the edge of the road in order to snatch up the candy and prizes being thrown to them from parade participants.
The parking lot of Winn Dixie shopping plaza is always the staging point for the parade and Pine Island Businesses and organizations started lining up their floats around 9:00 AM, while finishing any float decorating.

Bokeelia Man First in Lee County to Have Firearms Confiscated

Rickey Dewel Beaty, 59, of Bokeelia is the first person in Lee County to have his firearms confiscated under the new "Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act" enacted by the Florida legislature and signed by Governor Scott, Mar 9, 2018 after thousands of high school students marched and protested around the country in favor of the new law. A petition for risk protection order against Beaty was sought by the Sheriff's Dept.

Mosquito Control District's Motion to Dismiss Granted - The Airport is Still an Airport

The complaint in Lee County Circuit Court against Lee County Mosquito Control District's use and purchase of the Woodstock airport in St. James City by plaintiffs; Williams. Peratino, Jamie M.Saunders, Debbie Memoli, Claudia Bringe And Joseph T. Scaccio, was dismissed May 24th, 2018.

LCMCD Awaiting Judge’s Decision - Drone Program Begins

The Lee County Mosquito Control District is currently awaiting a judge’s decision on the lawsuit that was filed regarding the County’s determination of Woodstock-FL86 airport use. The District currently has a six month lease on the airport, with an option to renew for another six months. While waiting for the judge’s decision, the lease allows the District to conduct an assessment on the infrastructure, determine engineering requirements, formulate an LDO, (Limited Development Order) and begin the permitting process.


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